Supporting Gospel Ministry at St Jude’s and Beyond
The Bible encourages us to support the work of Christian Ministry, gospel workers at home and abroad, and also the poor through our financial means. The principle is well expressed in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
“The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”
If you are a follower of Jesus, consider St Jude’s your home church, and are not in financial hardship, then it is your joyful privilege to financially partner with others in this church, to support the work of Gospel Ministry here and beyond. Giving to St Jude’s supports the ministry work in your congregation, but also many other ministries as well. We are working on the Carlton Housing Estates, with youth and children, with university students, young workers, and families. We also support quite a few people doing Gospel work cross-culturally, and some of our giving goes to support the Global Poor.
We encourage each member of St Jude’s to give “bountifully” or generously, and with cheerfulness as we have decided we should, knowing that we can confidently say to God: “all things come from you, and of your own have we given you” (1 Chronicles 29:14).
We also encourage people to give regularly: each week, fortnight, or month, so that giving matches both the way most of us are paid, and the way the church organises its finances. The best way to do this is to set up a regular transfer from your bank to ours.
May God “provide you with every blessing in abundance”.
Our Banking Details
Our Banking details are as follows:
Account Name: St Jude’s Anglican Church
Bank: ANZ BSB: 013-259 Account No: 298813214
To assist St Jude’s in tracking giving from our various congregations
please list the congregation which you attend in your transfer reference.
Please use one of the following:
• Carlton10
• Carlton4
• Unichurch
• Parkville10
• Parkville5
• Estates
Giving for the St Jude’s Building Project
Over 150 years ago, the founders of St Jude’s Church built the church buildings with a vision to serve the community of Melbourne’s inner North. Over the generations, faithful men and women have lived out this vision. We renewed this vision by building a church and Education Centre for the 21st century appropriate for the dynamically changing community in the inner north of Melbourne.
In October 2014, a fire in the sanctuary of St Jude’s Church damaged this heritage building and its contents. This fire gave us an opportunity to develop new facilities that cater for ministry and education in the 21st century.
To serve the future generations of St Jude’s and the community, we built a church centre that is welcoming, engaging and flexible for our community.
To give to the St Jude’s Christian Education Centre Building Fund by internet transfer from your bank account please use the following:
Account Name: St Jude’s Christian Education Centre Building Fund
BSB: 703-122 Account No: 0500 9407
Please identify yourself clearly in the electronic transfer reference by inserting your family name unless you wish to give anonymously (please note that anonymous donations will not receive a receipt for tax deduction purposes).
All donations to the St Jude’s Christian Education Centre Building Fund over $20 are tax deductible.
Tax deductible giving through MABS or MACO
For end of the financial year donations please consider making donations by 22 June (some of the funds cut off early for administrative reasons) to the St Jude’s tax deductible ministry funds, including:
• The Estates Ministry through the Melbourne Anglican Benevolent Society (MABS);
• The music and worship ministry at Parkville and Carlton through the Melbourne Anglican Cultural Organisation Inc (MACO).
For further questions please contact the St Jude’s office by phone on 03 9347 5152 or email on
Please also make sure that all contact details are provided however you give.
If you’d like to provide support to the St Jude’s Traineeship program generally or a specific trainee financially, sign up at
St Jude’s Carlton Organ Appeal
Acct :05009933