Global Mission

What is Global Mission?

As followers of Jesus our mission is the proclamation of the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus. Some of us are called to do this on our doorstep in our local communities, others are called to serve in another culture and/or country. Missionaries work with a missionary organisation that manages such aspects of their work such as salary, travels, ministering to the needs of their missionaries and promotion of their work.

Our global mission partners are supported by our church both in prayer and financially.

Global Mission Partners

Currently we have 16 Global Mission Partners who are sent out and supported by St Jude’s. St Jude’s has committed 5% of our expected annual giving income to support them, as well as regular prayer and contact with them. These Global Mission Partners are assigned to congregations at St Jude’s.

How can I support Global Missions?

You can support Global Missions in a number of ways, including:

* praying regularly for your Global Mission Partner
* keep in touch with the Global Mission Partner via e-mail or sending letters
* send a care package, especially around Christmas/birthdays etc.
* contributing to the financial support of your Global Mission Partner
* become a member of a mission organisation which allows you to receive their newsletters and 
find out about upcoming missions events
* attend missions events or mission interest meetings
* challenge others to be open to God’s call on your lives and where He may be leading you

How to Pray for Global Mission Partners

Here are some items you might like to consider when praying for St Jude’s Global Mission Partners:

Who can become a Missionary?

It is truly amazing the wide variety of people with all sorts of skills and training that God calls to do his work. We’re all blessed with our own unique strengths and talents which God calls us to use in His service. It’s not just doctors and Bible teachers who are sent out, as these days we see people with all kinds of diverse skills, all serving the Lord where He has called them.

Missionaries are the individuals who feel God’s calling on their hearts and put everything on the line to respond to this need.