Safe Ministry

Our Church, St Jude’s, and our Diocese are committed to ensuring all ministry happens in a safe way, by safe people in a safe environment. We have zero tolerance for any Child abuse or abuse of any kind. St Jude’s Church is committed to ensuring we have a safe church for all people to come and hear the good news of Jesus. We are so thankful for all our volunteers and grateful for your commitment to helping us be a safe church.

The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Safe Ministry Toolbox, Safe Ministry | Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (, contains the policies, information and resources for facilitating safe ministry.

Safe Ministry Training

All clergy, staff, lay position holders and volunteers must undertake the appropriate level/s of safe ministry training every three years

St Jude’s is keen to support all our volunteers financially to complete this. Therefore, after you have completed the course, you can apply for reimbursement of the course fees.

Training modules 1 and 2 can be purchased and completed online through the Safe Communities website here.

  • Safe Ministry Essentials (module 1) – induction and refresher: A two-hour course for volunteer, lay position holders, and staff to develop awareness of the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices. The training includes biblical foundations, healthy team ministry, screening, boundaries, code of conduct, duty of care, responding to concerns and self-care as church workers.
  • Safe Ministry with Children (modules 1 & 2) – induction and refresher: A course for all those who work in a prescribed role and require clearance for service. The module develops an awareness of Child Safety for all children and youth volunteers. This course includes empowering children, identifying, and responding to concerns (risk of harm), reducing the risks of child abuse, and caring for all parties.
  • Safe Ministry for Clergy and Authorised Ministers (modules 1 & 2) – induction and refresher: A course to develop awareness of Child Safety and the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices. The training includes biblical foundations, healthy team ministry, screening, boundaries, code of conduct, duty of care, empowering children, identifying and responding to concerns, reducing the risks of child abuse, caring for all parties and self-care as church workers.
  • Safe Ministry Implementation for Senior Leaders (module 3): A course for all Clergy, Authorised Ministers, Parish Council members, Child Safe Officers and Ministry Program Coordinators aimed at working through the implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures.

Clearance for Service Process

Lay workers and volunteers who hold particular roles (for example those involved in Children and/or Youth Ministries) are required to hold a Clearance for Service. The clearance process is through an online platform called OSCA (Online SCreening Application).

If you are interested in serving in any of our children our youth ministries, please speak to one of the St Jude’s staff members.