St Jude’s Annual Parish Meeting
St Jude’s Annual Meeting will be held on 18 November 2024 at 7.30pm to 9.30pm, at St Jude’s, 2 Keppel Street, Carlton. The Notice of Meeting is attached with further details.
An Agenda will be sent out the week before, and the papers will be made available when finalised.
Proposed Amendment to St Jude’s Rules
As well as the usual matters, Parish Council is proposing that St Jude’s adopt an amendment to its Rules which will have the effect of changing the quorum for a meeting of Parish Council from 7 members to a majority of the Parish Council.
The Parish Governance Act 2013 allows St Jude’s to adopt either of two alternate versions of rule 11 set out in Schedule 1 to the Parish Governance Act 2013, and previously St Jude’s adopted the version with a fixed number (of 7), rather than a majority. The disadvantage of this is that it is less flexible, and does not vary if there are casual vacancies or for some reason there is fewer than 10 current members of Parish Council. A majority of Parish Council would be 6/10 members (or if there were fewer members, 5/9 or 5/8 etc).
The full text of the proposed amended rules, with the change to rule 11.1 marked up is attached, as well as an extract from Schedule 1 to the Parish Governance Act 2013 setting out the permitted alternatives.
Please contact Parish Council Chair, or our Vicar John Forsyth, if you would like to discuss the proposed change.
Electoral roll closed on 30 October 2024
In order to vote at the Parish Meeting, or to stand for nomination as a member of Parish Council, Churchwarden or member of the Incumbency Committee, you must be on the electoral roll of St Jude’s prior to 31 October 2024.
Nominations for election due by 5pm on 3 November 2024
To stand for nomination as a member of Parish Council, Churchwarden, Treasurer or a member of the Incumbency Committee, you must be eligible and email a fully completed Nomination Form in legible PDF format (attached) to John Forsyth, Vicar, by no later than 5pm on Sunday 3 November 2024. Counterpart forms are acceptable, so you can submit separate copies of the same Nomination Form – you can submit up to three forms (one signed by you, one by your proposer and one by your seconder). Each of the nominee, proposer and seconder must be parishioners, that is be on the electoral roll of St Jude’s and not be disqualified persons.